Buzz (weng weng)
It was a summer night. Suddenly I heard a buzzing sound in my earss. Instinctively, I grabbed the air with my right hand. The sound stopped abruptly. I stretched out my hand and saw a sesame-sized black spot with a small amount of blood stains in it. I stared at it in surprise. The loud buzzing in my ear had actually come from that small mass of black substance. The unconscious wave of my hand was like to an angry conductor taking revenge on an inferior performer.
At that time I had a more perfect plan for revenge, and so the work ‘Buzz’ was born. I found burning mosquito incense and wrote down the onomatopoeic word ‘buzz’ (weng weng), and then recruited a swarm of mosquitoes to me. Finally, I used two of the satiate mosquitoes to draw two lines over the word "buzz" (weng weng), representing the second tone of the pinyin for the Chinese word "buzz" (weng weng).