对白: 《定风波 ·莫听穿林打叶声》

对白: 《定风波 ·莫听穿林打叶声》  问天台,湘西,中国)


《定风波 ·莫听穿林打叶声》的词描写苏轼野外途中遇风雨这一生活中的小事,于简朴中见深意,于寻常出生奇景,表现出诗人苏轼在面对苦难时的乐天态度,也反应出他豁达超逸的胸襟,寄寓着超凡脱俗的人生理想。这个作品的取景地来自我的家乡一座奇异的山峰之上,一个阵雨过后的早晨的山顶之上,我手持手机面对着云雾缭绕的奇峰与Siri再一次的互吟古词 。



Dialogue, “CALMING WIND AND WAVES  /Ding Feng Bo”(Wentiantai Mountain, Xiangxi, China)


The poem "Calming Wind and Waves - Listen not to the rain beating against the trees " depicts the triviality of Su Shi's life, when he encountered wind and rain on his way to the countryside. The poem explores the profound meaning in the simplicity, the miraculous scene out of the commonplace. It demonstrates Su Shi's optimistic attitude to suffering, and reflects his open-mindedness and his ideal of a transcendent life. The location of my work is on the top of a beautiful mountain in my home town. One morning after a shower of rain, on the summit of the mountain, holding my mobile phone, and facing the cloudy mountain, I and Siri recited the ancient poem to each other once again.
