τὸ ὄν
ist veranderung”。
τὸ ὄν
The work is divided into two parts, one on the deconstruction of Brancusi's installation. The second part is a performance about tree.The whole work is related to Greece, such as the head of Muse, the highest leaf in Athens. The title is a Greek word “τὸ ὄν”, means Being (Sein). Which is the opposite of “Eternal”. I implies a state, a state that changes all the time. The whole work is also related to time, such as Plato said: "Time is changing".
Brancusi is one of my favorite artists. In his minimalist works, divinity is concealed in simpleness. I used two of his best known works in my graduation work, “La muse endormie” (sleeping muse) and "The Endless column". I used the ice instead of the original material copper in “La muse endormie”. Use candel to replace the stone in "Endless column". As time goes by, these two elements, ice and candle fire gradually melt and eventually become "none." In other words, “nothing” is the perfect shape of the sculpture. It is a minimalist in minimalist.
a tree-related performance,
I went to the highest mountain in Athens, and made performance about tree. When I reached the top of the mountain, I began to scan the olive tree on the highest spot with my portable scanner. The scanner moved on the leaf like a comb with light. At the end, I got a scanned abstract pictures. The pictures will be printed out by a printer on the ceiling of the room. They fall down like a leave falls from a tree.
In addition to the performance and sculpture of Brancusi, a 4-meter ladder is installed onto the wall. Visitors can climb up, and they will find the highest leaf on the top of the olive tree.
Finally, I put a photo taken in Greece, it is about the sea, like a soft dream.