洞穴 II (四季)


<Four Seasons> is the series still during its creation period, and it is also an extension of the series of works themed in the caves. In addition to further discussing the relations between the macro world and the micro world,theintroduces the philosophy of the time. It is planned that groups of triptych corresponding to every season will be completed in this year.  However, while creating the works for summer, I found that only one group of triptych is too limited to express my deep love for summer, therefore I have created the second group for this season, one is calledwith red as its bottom color, the other < Nights in summer>, which is on this exhibition for this time. Themakes me recollect the words I have forgotten for a long time: On that rainy day, she (Vilas) rambled in the drizzles, then stopped in front of a flooded crypt, gazing at it for a long while, imagining the deep parts of the sea.  Distance means beauty, a feeling transitory.